Ein Meilenstein am ST :)

Heute habe ich einen lang vermissten Meilenstein meiner Programmiererfahrung am Atari ST erreicht.

Seit langem wollte ich einen halbwegs flexibelen Kernel zur Darstellung von Sprites in 68000er Maschinensprache schreiben. Das habe ich heute geschafft! Es gab zwar ein paar unnötige Probleme (Dreck in oberen Wort, wenn man sonst nur ungeplant mit dem unteren Wortteil eines Longs hantiert), aber die konnte ich lösen. Danke an PeP aus Schweden :)

Die Routine kann nun flexibel bis zu 16 Sprites beliebiger Höhe und Breiten in 16Pixel-Schritten (wegen der spezifischen Bitplanestruktur des ST) darstellen. Die eigentliche Blitroutine stammt dabei aus einem Source aus dem Netz, den ich zum Laufen gebracht habe, und einem Interfaceteil, der die Eingaben für die Sprites (Aussehen und Position) aus einer Liste von Datenstrukturen liest und dann Stück für Stück die Spritesauf den Bildschirm zeichnet.

Die Routine arbeitet ohne Preshift, das kostet zwar Zyklen, aber man behält Speicher. Für den STE plane ich noch, eine Routine einzubauen, die den Blitter verwendet. Aber die muss erst noch geschrieben werden ;)

Hier ein Screenshot eines Testprogramms mit GFABASIC, welches den Spritekernel benutzt:

STFM Spriteroutine für GFABASIC in Aktion

Ein voller Release wird über die Paradize Webseite erfolgen, wenn die Doku stimmig ist ;)

Endlich weg von GET/PUT und RC_COPY in zeitkritischen Hauptschleifen ;)


© 1999/2002 by Matthias Arndt <marndt@asmsoftware.de>

This is a FREEWARE game published by ASM Software. It is the first ever ST game from ASM Software that gets published!

This is a little shoot’em up game for up to 2 players. It was build with SEUCK.


  • Atari ST computer with 512k of RAM (or even more)
  • ROM TOS (this game has not been tested with MultiTOS, Mint or other multitasking OSes on the ST)
  • colo(u)r display
  • one (or preferrably two) joystick(s)

This game has been tested on an Atari 520STM, an Atari 1040STFM, STEEM and Hatari.

A user reported it does work on STEs as well!

Further information and instructions can be found in the provided README file. The game comes as a disk image in MSA format ready to be used with any popular Atari ST emulator. You can write it back to a floppy disk and play the game on a real Atari ST machine as well.

Simply boot the disk and doubleclick on MEGASTAR.SCK.

Make sure to install RUNGAME.PRG as an application with *.SCK files. The provided DESKTOP.INF does this automatically.

Download , play and spread it!
Download .MSA disk image (77.9 K)
Download file version (60.2 K)

Fun stuff for Atari ST

Here you can find some smaller games and intros for the Atari ST.


Black Jack
This is a little Blackjack game for Atari ST with colo(u)r display. It uses OS calls only and it may work on TT and Falcon as well.
Download (84.6 K)

This is a really small Tron game for Atari ST with colo(u)r display. It is for 2 players only.
Download (10.7 K)


The Debut
My debut intro for the Atari scene. For Atari ST/STe/Falcon/TT with colo(u)r display. Falcon and TT users please use a singletasking TOS and ST-LOW.
(42.8 K)


© 2002/2003/2004 by Matthias Arndt <marndt@asmsoftware.de>

The GNU General Public License applies to this project. See the file COPYING for details.


Quadromania is a board game. Your task is to restore the originating board filled with red stones. The computer will pick a named amount of 3×3 tile sets and will flip the colours of the selected tiles.

This means a red tile will become green, a green one the next colour in the amount of colours, red again in the simplest case. You select the amount of colours to use and the amount of initial rotations.

In the running game click on the center point of a 3×3 tile set to exchange that selected set following the rules above. Restore the board full of red stones before you reach the limit of maximum turns.

Quadromania is a work in progress. I currently lack the time to do a decent development on it. However the current alpha release is somewhat playable and working.



  • GNU C Compiler (preferrably 3.2 but works with older ones as well)
  • GNU Make
  • SDL
  • SDL_image

You can find SDL and SDL_image at the SDL website.

The current release adds support for autoconf and automake.


NOTICE: This is currently alpha software. Do not expect everything to work. It may crash or even do not compile!
Each archive contains a file called INSTALL. This contains installation instructions.